Friday, February 14, 2014

How Do I Love My Body?

We have all had times when we saw someone else and thought "She looks so much better than I do. can't I just be her?" I admit that I have thought this.  I'm sure all of us have as well. To truly love ourselves we need to be able to see ourselves and our bodies for what we are.  If you aren't happy with yourself then you usually aren't happy with much in your life.  How you feel about yourself affects how you interact with others, how you perceive the world around you, your confidence and your ability to contribute to the world.  When we feel poorly about ourselves we tend to turn inward and aren't as willing to put ourselves out there.  I have felt this way, as I am sure that we all have.  I have always wondered how I can change this mental attitude.  How can I change the way I feel about myself and what can I do to improve my personal thoughts and feelings.  On the website Redefining Beauty, I read a quote that I find very helpful. It states that: 

"Learning to love your body can be a difficult process for many women who have believed their whole lives they are worthless or abnormal because they don’t live up to physical ideals upheld  as normal and attainable in our profit-driven culture. We want you to know it is not an impossible feat, and the process is incredibly rewarding. One of the easiest and best things you can do for your body image right now is to consider the ways your body is amazing. Appreciate what it has allowed you to do, regardless of your abilities or health status, and acknowledge your strengths and gifts."(

I have found that by doing this it really works!!  I have thought of the many amazing things that my body can do, the things it has allowed me to do, and all that it will allow me to do. Our bodies are truly remarkable. I urge you to make a list, you will be amazed at the things that you think of and write down.  It will truly help you to see yourself as a beautiful person and give you the confidence to step outside of yourself and make a difference.  I have seen this in my life and I hope that you will be able to as well.

Beauty Redefined. (2014, Feb 12). Loving Your Body 101:The 3 Questions of Positive Body Image. Retrieved from


  1. I am looking forward to reading more posts. This was excellent. I never thought to think of what my body can do, has allowed me to do, and will allow me to do as a beautiful thing.

  2. I love this post! I am super short and from a young age I decided that I loved being short. Because I love that about myself I can laugh along when people say things about being short!
