About this Site

Why would you follow our blog?

Because we care. We saw a need for addressing the issue of the importance of body image in our society. There's no denying it; we all care about our appearance. This is to be completely expected, however with all of the pressures of society put on us to look perfect in every way, we may not always view ourselves positively. We want to change this!

Who might be interested?

We welcome anyone and everyone to follow our posts! We will be mostly geared towards parents and professionals who are raising or working with girls ages 9-early adulthood. We chose this age group because we believe that this is the group who is pressured most by our society to achieve a perfect body image. We want to help educate parents and professionals about how to promote healthy and positive habits in these girls.

What might you take away from our blog?

Our hope is that our readers will take away a knowledge of what a positive body image is, what habits promote a healthy body image, and how to help those around you achieve a high self-esteem in regard to body image as well.



  1. Great Blog. Looking forward to more.

    I have linked to your blog from our site - just let me know if you would like anything changed. I used your paragraph to explain your blog, giving credit to you.

    Thanks. Stacie

  2. I'm a guy so this is hard for me to say but I agree wholeheartedly in that young girls seem to be under pressure to perform and look a certain way as they get older. Body image is important but should be encouraged the right way and for the right reasons.
