Monday, March 17, 2014

Book Review

For my Book review his week I read the Book "How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton World" By Jordan Christy.  I loved this book. I was so fun to read, and I learned a few things along the way.  The book started out by stating that we need to respect ourselves as women first and foremost.  Before we can make any change we need to be happy with who we are inside.  In one of the first chapters Jordan talks about things that you can do that will have instant effect on how your self image and boost your self confidence.  She says that "one of the best ways to cultivate a healthy self-image is by celebrating your positive and unique qualities." And she goes on to list those ways that will help you.  They are things that I had never though of before, but they are easy to do and they really work.  After I read this chapter I implemented some of them in my life and they really did work. This book was an entertaining book that talked about how to be a classy woman, with a positive self-image.  She talks about how the world today is a different one than just 15 years ago.  The title of this book is what pulled me in.  I love Audrey Hepburn and think that she was one of the all time truly talented and beautiful movie stars of the past.  She was so classy and dignified.  And most importantly she was comfortable in her own skin.  It is apparent in how she acted and the things she said.  I highly recommend this book if you are looking for a good, easy read to help you see that you can make a change and gain a positive view of yourself!

1 comment:

  1. I really like the suggestions to easily be more comfortable with yourself. I think we often fail to look at our good qualities and only focus on the negative and these are really easy ways to look at good qualities. Thanks for your post.
