About Us

Shelby Kristine
I am currently a student at the University of Utah studying Elementary Education. I already have a bachelors degree in Child Development and Preschool Education. I currently teach preschool and love interacting with young children.  They are so innocent and say the funniest things sometimes! When I'm not in school or at preschool you can usually find me reading a good book, watching football, eating Captain Crunch, practicing my archery skills and playing with my nieces and nephews.

Kylie Nicole
I am a junior at the University of Utah working toward my bachelors degree in Human Development and Family Studies. I love helping others and can't wait to have a career someday that will allow me to do this on a regular basis! Working a full time job along with a full school schedule doesn't leave me lots of spare time, but when I do find an extra minute I absolutely love watching baseball (Go Red Sox! :) ), vacations, boating, swimming and anything else that gets me outdoors in the sunshine.

My name is Jessica Hudson. I am currently a junior at the University of Utah studying Human Development and Family Studies as my major and minoring in Korean Studies. I am also going towards a pre-med degree in hopes to becoming a dermatologist one day after a few (well maybe more than a few) years in medical school. My favorite thing to be doing: l a u g h i n g

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