Monday, March 17, 2014

Becoming Famous Via YouTube

Being a student in school is always a struggle at some point in time.

One huge struggle is finding a certain someone who will maybe lighten the burden like this girl Carli Carter. After meeting through recruitment for going Greek, she and I began to hit it off nearly every day since we met each other. One brilliant idea that we came up with was to try and become famous by posting videos on youtube to get our names out there.

Seeming that she wanted to become a talk show host and I have always wanted to be an actress or a model, I figured, why not? So here you have it, one of our silly moments in the library while "studying" and unfortunately we never got famous off of this but it sure was fun while it lasted. 

This video explains a little about what we both think the library could do to make it a little better for all the students at the University of Utah. Check it out!

Interviewing Markelle

This is my interview with the darling Markelle. She has recently gone through some very dramatic changes in her life. She has lost a huge amount of weight and is now living a very healthy lifestyle. I wanted to ask her some questions about her fitness journey and how her life is different now that her body has gone through such a dramatic change. She was so nice to agree to meet with me! Markelle is now working towards becoming a personal trainer to help others live a healthy life as well. Hope you enjoy!

Book Review

For my Book review his week I read the Book "How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton World" By Jordan Christy.  I loved this book. I was so fun to read, and I learned a few things along the way.  The book started out by stating that we need to respect ourselves as women first and foremost.  Before we can make any change we need to be happy with who we are inside.  In one of the first chapters Jordan talks about things that you can do that will have instant effect on how your self image and boost your self confidence.  She says that "one of the best ways to cultivate a healthy self-image is by celebrating your positive and unique qualities." And she goes on to list those ways that will help you.  They are things that I had never though of before, but they are easy to do and they really work.  After I read this chapter I implemented some of them in my life and they really did work. This book was an entertaining book that talked about how to be a classy woman, with a positive self-image.  She talks about how the world today is a different one than just 15 years ago.  The title of this book is what pulled me in.  I love Audrey Hepburn and think that she was one of the all time truly talented and beautiful movie stars of the past.  She was so classy and dignified.  And most importantly she was comfortable in her own skin.  It is apparent in how she acted and the things she said.  I highly recommend this book if you are looking for a good, easy read to help you see that you can make a change and gain a positive view of yourself!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

to be or not to be

well, it's about that time again. another weekly post from us. another word trying to reach out to everyone in the world especially parents who have children struggling with body image. although these posts may seem redundant or unnecessary to some, it may be the saving grace for others.

"it only takes one person to make a difference."

i discovered this video online while scrolling through my facebook one day, i would say about a year ago. this really caught my attention and i had a loss for words after watching it. it literally changed my perspective about how models are portrayed in magazines, commercials, and everywhere throughout media.

this link was actually featured on many talk shows like the Ellen show and Oprah to spread the word and let it be known what this girl truly looked like and how she felt about the specific message that was meant to be sent by this. with over a staggering 10 million views on YouTube, this is something that has spoken to families all across the world.

i feel that many people can see the difference in things and learn to understand what issues are going on in the world if it is told to them. i mean literally, this ideal body image expectation for women that is help nowadays is nearly impossible as it shows in this video by the endless Photoshop done to this already beautiful woman. to go along with this video and the powerful message of how much a woman's appearance is valued, it is almost a staple that little girls learn starting at a very young age of how to act and what to wear and how to look a certain way to be accepted or popular.

i started to read this book called "butter" about a month ago, and man is it a read. you don't even have to be a regular book worm to really get into this book. it's all about a young boy who is morbidly obese and trying to get his point across that all he is really looking for is acceptance from those around him because he has always been patronized ever since he could remember. so, what better than to record his over-eating binge online and make it viral? he began to do this and of course it did attract attention from others, but it wasn't the fulfilling attention he intended for. it was a mocking type of attention but he still thought of it as becoming popular. it continued to escalate with no adult supervision over his live streaming website which in the end, still no one had told an adult about Butter’s website, the one where he claims he is going to eat himself to death on new year’s. Social institutions are woven to help with the flexibility of being able to hand certain situations throughout a child's life (pg. 114), however if it is not taken into the right hands and helped in the correct way it can lead to some very negative coping strategies.

so my conclusion comes down to whether to be the positive or not to be. it's almost vital that everyone should see the different types of media being put out for parents and children of all ages to prevent any more issues regarding body image. it's a serious issue that must be taken care of through educators, families, and through one's own knowledge.

until then, i'll leave it to you all to choose whether being the change or just letting the issue keep go on is the better decision.



“You can’t live your life worrying that the world is staring at you. When you let people’s opinions make you self-conscious you give away your power. … The key to feeling [confident] is to always listen to your inner self—[the real you.]”

Julia DeVillers, Teen People, Sept. 2005, 104.

These girls are some of my most favorite people in the world.  I loved how they are so confident in who they are at such young ages.  I hope that they never lose that and that they never forget to listen to their inner self.  When I found this quote, I instantly thought of them.  I hope that I can bottle the confidence and joy that they have in them and sell it to those who are lacking in those areas.  If we could bottle up up confidence and love for themselves we could change the world.  That would be impossible to do so instead, why don't we teach our young girls to love themselves and be happy with who they are.